6 Amazing Facts About Cockatoos

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Cockatoos are some of the most lovable, versatile, and entertaining birds around. They can mimic speech, and build lifelong relationships with their owners, cockatoos have a knack for engaging in tricks – whether it be playing peek-a-boo or talking on cue. These wonderful, feathered creatures are chock full of amazing facts that will make you appreciate them even more! In this blog post, we’ve curated 6 fun facts about Cockatoos that every bird owner should know – so grab a cup of joe (for energy) and get ready to learn something new today!

Specie Synopsis

  • Families: Cockatoos belong to the genus of Cacatuidae, which is part of a larger family called Psittacidae. This is also known as the parrot family, and it includes over 350 different species!
  • Cockatoos’ Lifespan: The average lifespan of an appropriately cared for and healthy Cockatoo can range anywhere from 40-80 years!
  • Dietary Preferences: In their natural habitat, cockatoos feed on nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and insects. When kept as pets they require a full diet comprised of both pellets and fresh foods like fruits and veggies.
  • Cockatoo Coloration Variations: Depending on the species some cockatoos may present with bright white plumage, while other species may come in shades of yellow, grey, and even pink.

The Unique and Amazing Facts

1. They Form Lasting Bonds with Their Owners-Cockatoos

Cockatoos are renowned for their ability to form strong and long-lasting bonds with their owners. These intelligent birds often display behaviors similar to those of young children, such as using body language to express feelings and emotions. Cockatoos will often bond with just one person in the household, showing strong affection towards them while being more distant from others. As a result, they become very attached to their main caregiver, developing an intimate relationship over time. In addition to forming close relationships with humans, cockatoos can also show deep connections with other animals. They have been known to develop friendships with cats and dogs, even playing together in some cases! As social creatures, cockatoos usually do best when kept with at least one other bird; this provides them companionship and prevents them from feeling lonely or isolated. Cockatoos have incredibly vivid memories and tend to remember special people, sounds, events, and even words after seeing or hearing them only once!

2. They Love To Play Cockatoos love to play!

Whether it’s playing fetch with their owner, jumping through hoops, climbing on ladders, or hanging from branches – cockatoos love to have fun and explore their environment. Allowing your pet bird access to a variety of toys including bells, ropes and stimulating objects will help keep them active, engaged, and healthy. Many owners also find that providing their feathered friends with a variety of natural items such as sticks or branches helps entertain them while allowing them to satisfy their need for chewing (something all cockatoos love to do!)

3. They Have A Remarkable Memory

Cockatoos are renowned for having an incredible memory! Not only can they remember words and phrases, but they can also recall patterns and sequences after seeing or hearing them just once. They can also remember the names of their owners and will recognize when someone is a stranger or a friend. In addition, these fascinating creatures have even been known to remember the exact location of their food dishes! Many owners find that teaching their pet birds words and tricks helps keep them mentally stimulated and entertained throughout the day.

4. They Make Great Companions

Cockatoos make wonderful companions for both adults and children alike! Their friendly nature and ability to form strong bonds make them an ideal pet choice for those looking for a social companion. They are generally very curious birds who enjoy interacting with people, so they do best in homes where there is plenty of activities and lots of time devoted to spending quality moments with them. When kept properly, cockatoo’s can be a joy to own and bring much joy into their owner’s life.

5. They Use a Variety of Calls to Communicate

Cockatoos communicate using a variety of calls, chirps, and whistles. From soft purrs to loud shrieks, these birds are capable of making all sorts of noises! They also have the ability to mimic human speech and can be taught many words and phrases. Cockatoos use vocalizations to express their feelings, whether it’s excitement or distress. Paying attention to your pet bird’s calls is important as it can provide insight into their moods and state of mind.

6. They are Popular Pets & may Live up to 60 Years!

Cockatoos are popular companion birds due to their intelligence and engaging personalities. They often form strong bonds with their owners, making them an excellent pet choice for those looking for a loyal and loving friend. In addition, these amazing creatures may live up to 60 years if cared for properly! With the right diet, living environment, and plenty of mental stimulation, your feathered friend can lead a happy and healthy life by your side. All in all, cockatoos make delightful companions that will bring joy into the lives of those who provide them with proper care and attention. Their intelligence and social demeanor make them a great choice for anyone looking for an interactive pet bird they can bond with long term! So if you’re hoping to add a feathered friend to your family, consider the cockatoo – you won’t be disappointed!


Cockatoos are beautiful and intelligent birds who make wonderful companions. They have an incredible memory, love to play and explore their environment, and can even mimic human speech! These fascinating creatures are also known to form strong bonds with their owners, making them a popular pet choice among many.


1. What kind of environment do cockatoos need?

Cockatoos require a spacious, comfortable living environment with plenty of opportunities for exploration and stimulation. Access to natural materials such as sticks and branches, as well as a variety of toys will help keep them active, engaged, and healthy.

2. How long do cockatoos live?

With proper care, cockatoos can live up to 60 years!

3. Do cockatoos make good pets?

Yes! Cockatoos are popular companion birds due to their intelligence and engaging personalities. They often form strong bonds with their owners and make excellent pet choices for those looking for a loyal and loving friend.

4. Are cockatoos noisy?

Cockatoos communicate using a variety of calls, chirps, and whistles. From soft purrs to loud shrieks, these birds are capable of making all sorts of noises! However, with proper training and regular exercise, you can teach your cockatoo not to be too noisy.Cockatoos communicate using a variety of calls, chirps, and whistles. From soft purrs to loud shrieks, these birds are capable of making all sorts of noises! However, with proper training and regular exercise, you can teach your cockatoo not to be too noisy.

5. How do I bond with my cockatoo?

Bonding with your pet bird is an important part of having a healthy relationship. Spend quality time with your feathered friend by talking to them and engaging in activities such as playing games or providing mental stimulation through puzzles or toys. Providing love and attention on a daily basis will help foster strong bonds between you both!

Picture of Dr. Nouman Tahir

Dr. Nouman Tahir

Dr. Nouman T. is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) with years of experience in pet health, behaviour and training fields. He has worked as a freelance veterinary writer and has given services at various veterinary clinics and hospitals. Dr. Nouman's work revolves around making sure that pets across the globe receive the best possible healthcare. He firmly believes that proper education about pet care can help reduce the number of animals suffering from preventable diseases.