10 Words and Phrases to Teach a Parrot

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Have you ever dreamed of having a feathered companion that could carry on a conversation with you? If so, teaching your parrot to speak is one of the most fulfilling tasks any bird owner can undertake. From silly jokes and singing to profound thoughts and words of love, training your pet to talk will bring hours upon hours of delight—not only to you but even more so for them! Whether it’s their first brruppp or an intelligible phrase like “I love you,” the learning experience between humans and parrots has no limits. So let’s get started: here are 10 words and phrases that every imaginative avian friend should know!

why it is important to teach a parrot?

The importance of teaching your parrot to talk lies in the benefit it has for their health and well-being. Not only does speaking enrich their life, but it also can help strengthen the bond between you and your feathered friend. Parrots are social creatures that need interaction—both with other birds as well as people—so teaching them words is a great way to provide mental stimulation while increasing their knowledge base. Additionally, talking reduces stress levels in parrots since they have an innate desire to communicate with others, and being able to express themselves brings joy and contentment to them. Learning how to speak may even lead to further behavioral changes such as reduced aggression or improved self-confidence. So if you’re looking for a fun yet a meaningful activity that will benefit both you and your parrot, teaching them words is an excellent way to go!

  • let’s explain 10 words and phrases

1. Hello

Hello is one of the most important words to teach a parrot because it serves as a way for them to start a conversation and identify themselves. This word is a great starting point for teaching your parrot how to communicate as it sets the expectation of verbal interaction from both you and your feathered friend. It also helps create a bond between you and your parrot since they will be able to recognize their name when called upon.

2. Bye-Bye

Much like hello, bye-bye is a great word to teach your parrot since it’s the last thing they should hear before you leave. Teaching this phrase allows them to recognize when their human companion must depart and will create a strong emotional bond with them. Additionally, teaching this word helps stop any unwanted behaviors such as screaming or biting that may occur when the owner leaves the room unexpectedly.

3. I love you

This simple phrase has so much meaning behind it! Not only does it foster an even stronger connection between you and your parrot, but it also helps them understand what unconditional love feels like from another species. This phrase can be used as an endearing sign-off whenever you and your parrot part ways, or it can be said when interacting with them to show your appreciation for their presence.

4. Come here

Come here is a phrase that helps give your parrot direction and encourages obedience. It also serves as a way to systematically teach basic commands like “stay” or “no” which may prove useful in situations where the bird needs to stay put. Plus, teaching your pet this phrase builds trust between the two of you since they will know that you won’t hurt them even if they come close to you!

5. What’s up?

This playful phrase helps keep conversations lighthearted yet meaningful since it opens up opportunities for your parrot to share stories or voice their concerns. Plus, this phrase is great for curious birds that like to explore new matters and ask questions!

6. Pretty bird

No matter how silly it may sound, telling them they pretty much help boost their confidence and gives them the recognition they deserve. This simple phrase can be used whenever you feel like appreciating your feathered friend and reminding them of just how wonderful they are!

7. Step Up

This command aids in teaching your parrot how to go from one perch to another without getting scared or confused. Not only does this phrase help keep your pet safe but it also encourages trust between the two of you since they will know that you can direct them when needed.

8. Good Night

Good night is a great phrase to teach your parrot since it serves as a way to end the day on a positive note and transition into bedtime for both of you. This phrase helps create a predictable bedtime routine which can be extremely beneficial to both birds and humans alike since it encourages healthy sleep habits.

9. No

No is an important word to teach your parrot since it serves as a way to set boundaries with them and remind them of the consequences if they don’t follow the rules. Although this command may seem harsh, teaching your pet no will help prevent any unwanted behaviors such as biting or screaming in the long run.

10. Thank you

Thank you is a phrase that shows appreciation and helps keep conversations polite and respectful. Teaching your parrot this phrase not only encourages good behavior from them but also builds a strong bond between the two of you since they will know that their actions are appreciated.


Teaching your parrot these 10 words is a great way to foster an even stronger connection between the two of you. Not only will it create a loving relationship, but it will also help keep them safe and encourage good behaviors in various situations. Remember, each word should be taught slowly and gently as repetition is key! Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are some other phrases I can teach my parrot?

A: Some other phrases you can teach your parrot include “let’s go,” “come here,” and “good job!” Additionally, you can also work on teaching them basic commands such as “stay,” “no,” or even simple greetings like “hello.”

Q: How do I know if my parrot understands the words I’m teaching it?

A: You will be able to tell if your bird understands the words you are teaching it by looking for signs such as chattering or head bobbing. Additionally, you can also give them verbal cues and rewards such as treats or praises to help reinforce the words you are teaching.

Q: How long does it take for my parrot to learn these words?

A: Every bird is different, so it is impossible to say exactly how long it will take for your parrot to learn new words. However, the more effort you put into teaching your pet by using repetition and positive reinforcement, the faster they will be able to pick up on what you’re saying. Additionally, if your bird is young, then it may be able to learn quickly since its brain is still developing. Overall, patience is key when it comes to teaching your parrot new words!

Q: Is there a limit to how many words I can teach my parrot?

A: No, there is no limit to how many words you can teach your parrot. However, it is important to understand that birds have the capacity to learn more complex phrases as they age and mature, so it’s best to start slowly with simple commands before moving on to more advanced words. Additionally, your bird may become overwhelmed if you try to teach them too much at once, so be sure to give them breaks in between lessons! The key is consistency and repetition.

Q: Can parrots understand human emotions?

A: Yes, parrots can understand and respond to human emotions. In fact, research has shown that parrots are incredibly perceptive when it comes to emotions, which is why they make such great companions! Parrots can pick up on the tone of your voice and body language – so be sure to speak softly and act calmly around them in order to keep them feeling safe and secure. Additionally, positive reinforcement will help foster a stronger bond between the two of you. At the end of the day, your bird will know how you’re feeling based on your behavior towards them. So be sure to show love and patience whenever possible!

Comment below if you have any other questions! Good luck teaching your parrot new words. Have fun and enjoy the process!

Happy Training! :)

Picture of Dr. Nouman Tahir

Dr. Nouman Tahir

Dr. Nouman T. is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) with years of experience in pet health, behaviour and training fields. He has worked as a freelance veterinary writer and has given services at various veterinary clinics and hospitals. Dr. Nouman's work revolves around making sure that pets across the globe receive the best possible healthcare. He firmly believes that proper education about pet care can help reduce the number of animals suffering from preventable diseases.